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Scottsdale Charros join OktoberWest celebration as community partner

photo of event the Scottsdale Charros are serving as community partner
The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa Oktoberfest celebration is a country-western theme, event promoters say, will tantalize the senses with live musical entertainment, interactive activities, and plenty of culinary delights. (File Photos/DigitalFreePress)
Scottsdale Charros to benefit from portion of proceeds at OktoberWest event
By Terrance Thornton | Digital Free Press

The Scottsdale Charros — and its philanthropic arm, The Charro Foundation — are serving as community partner at the Saturday, Oct. 21, OktoberWest event held at the Westin Kierland Resort & Spa.

For more than 60 years the Scottsdale Charros have been steadfast in the pursuit of keeping the rich western heritage of Scottsdale alive while providing meaningful support for the public education system — the Scottsdale Unified School District.

The festival itself, event promoters say, puts a twist on traditional Oktoberfest celebrations as a country-western theme will tantalize the senses with live musical entertainment, interactive activities, and plenty of culinary delights.

“Community events, such as OktoberWest provide an opportunity for the Charros to share the mission of the organization, raise awareness for our philanthropic efforts and further our fundraising efforts for the benefit of those in need throughout Scottsdale,” said Scottsdale Litigator Lisa Borowsky, who serves as a community director at The Charro Foundation.

“The Charros Organization has always impressed me for all they do throughout the community to support kids, education and the elderly in need throughout Scottsdale.”

The Scottsdale Charros will receive a portion of the bar profits and these funds will be used directly in support of youth sports, education, and charitable causes in Scottsdale. Looking to come to the event and support the Scottsdale Charros? Go HERE.

“The Charros members are an incredibly hardworking group of civic leaders volunteering to support others in the community, and they have a great time doing it,” Ms. Borowsky said of her time at The Charro Foundation.

“I have always loved the western spirit the Charros subscribe to and put forth in everything they do. I am proud to be serving my fifth year on the The Charro Foundation and love being part of the organization. I have been blessed with education and opportunity in my life and I find volunteering very rewarding, as much or more so than my day job as a lawyer.”

Scottsdale Charros philanthropic effort to benefit from portion of proceeds at OktoberWest event

Working with The Charro Foundation, Ms. Borowsky points out her eyes have been opened to the levels of need experienced by people in and around Scottsdale.

“There are so many in our community that need support, understanding and, in some cases, assistance,” she said.

“Helping a child in need or who may be challenged through a disability and providing an opportunity for them to advance themselves can be life altering for that child. The Charros’ philanthropic efforts, and others I am involved with, focus on touching and changing the lives of those in need which is truly a wonderful experience.”

For those who love helping others, camaraderie and a good country music cadence, the OktoberWest event at the Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, is the place to be this October.

“There is something fun for everyone at OktoberWest, and it is such a nice time of the year to be outside at the beautiful Westin Resort,” Ms. Borowsky said.

“I love country music and dancing, that part should be fun for all! There’s a mechanical bull for the daring and lots of other activities for those who aren’t so daring. It’s nice when you can enjoy a fun evening out and benefit others at the same time, in this case, through the proceeds which will be donated to the Charros organization.”

OktoberWest at the Westin Kierland Resort & Spa is presented by the Kierland Master Association – in collaboration with The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, 6902 E. Greenway Parkway, and Kierland Commons.

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