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Scottsdale History Hall of Fame names 2024 inductees for May ceremony

Scottsdale Charros serve as sponsor for salute to stewards of local community
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

The Past Presidents’ Council of the Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce is announcing the 2024 Inductees for the 29th installment of the Scottsdale History Hall of Fame event to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2024.

The event honoring individuals, local companies, and nonprofit organizations is presented by event sponsor the Scottsdale Charros.

“The Past President’s Council is proud to announce this year’s inductees to the Scottsdale History Hall of Fame,” said Doreen Reinke, chair of the Past President’s Council of the Scottsdale Area Chamber.

“It is an honor to recognize the amazing contributions of these individuals, local companies, and nonprofit organizations. They have helped shape the unique character and vibrant spirit of our community, and we are grateful for their lasting legacy.”

Over the past 29 years, the Scottsdale Area Chamber has inducted 147 Scottsdale leaders and 31 organizations into the Scottsdale History Hall of Fame. These individuals and organizations have had an immeasurable impact on the rich heritage of Scottsdale, dating back to its modern-day founding in 1888 by Army Chaplain Winfield Scott.

The event honors the people and organizations who have contributed so greatly to the legacy of making the community of Scottsdale one of the “best cities to live” in the nation.

The event is from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, May 7, at the Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch, 7700 E. McCormick Ranch Parkway.

Registration for the 2024 History Hall of Fame will open on Thursday, Nov. 9.

The 2024 Scottsdale History Hall of Fame Inductees

Deputy Fire Chief Jim Ford, above, retired from the Scottsdale Fire Department in 2021, after 47 years on the job. He began his career in firefighting when he was just 19 years old and started full-time with the rural/metro fire department in 1975. He joined the Scottsdale Fire Department in 2005 as deputy chief fire marshal.

Mr. Ford wrote an in-depth research study on the positive effects that the city’s comprehensive automatic sprinkler ordinance and has spoken to fire, industry and political leaders in Canada, Wales, Scotland, England, the Netherlands, Sweden, Aruba, Prague, Singapore, and throughout the United States about the success of the program.

Jim Lane, above, served on the Scottsdale City Council for four years and as mayor of Scottsdale from 2009 to 2021 and has been a committed community servant in Scottsdale for decades.  Mayor Lane was instrumental in supporting the McDowell Sonoran Preserve and McDowell Corridor.

Mr. Lane was involved with the ASU Foundation and the creation of ASU SkySong and was responsible for launching the Scottsdale Cure Corridor Initiative. Mayor Lane chaired the YMCA Kid’s Campaign and currently serves on the Scottsdale Leadership Advisory Board and The Charro Foundation. He received the AZBio Public Service Award from the Arizona Bioindustry Association.

Linda Milhaven, above, was a three-term Scottsdale City Council member and served in numerous volunteer capacities including chair of the Board of Trustees of the Scottsdale Cultural Council, chair of the board of the Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce and chair of the board of the Better Business Bureau.

She was a member of Class VIII of Scottsdale Leadership and in 2009 earned their Frank B. Hodges Alumni Achievement Award. As part of her 30-year banking career, she was a community bank president in Scottsdale from 1993 to 2005. She graduated from Paradise Valley High School and holds a B.A. in Psychology from Wellesley College, and an M.B.A. from Columbia University.

Raoul Zubia, above, is a lifelong resident of Scottsdale and a graduate of Coronado High School.

He retired from a career in banking and is a community activist and volunteer serving as Chairman of the Scottsdale Human Services Commission, board member at Scottsdale Leadership, a member of The Charro Foundation and the Parada Del Sol Committee. He is a member of the Protect and Preserve Scottsdale Task Force and serves as president of Partners for Paiute providing funding and resources for members of the community with immediate needs. In 2021, he received Scottsdale Leadership’s Hodges Award and is a champion of Scottsdale First Responder’s community.

Community Celebrating Diversity Foundation (CCD) – Scottsdale’s CCD sponsors events and programs to educate, promote and celebrate diversity. 

This nonprofit organization puts on the largest and most celebrated Martin Luther King. Jr. event in the Valley. Their mission is to enhance the perception and understanding of diversity, provide opportunities for citizens to recognize our similarities and to acknowledge our differences, and seek respect for the values of others and the oneness of humanity. Scottsdale was the first city outside of Phoenix to host its own annual MLK celebration. CCD was the 2018 Scottsdale Chamber Sterling Award Nonprofit Honoree.  

Nationwide – Founded in Scottsdale in 1982 as Scottsdale Insurance Company by then President Rollie Weigers, Scottsdale Insurance Company — now a wholly owned subsidiary of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company — has become a major employer with over 1,600 associates.

Nationwide, chamber officials say, is a community-focused business providing executives to lead major nonprofits in Scottsdale from the Chamber, to Scottsdale Cultural Council/Scottsdale Arts, to Scottsdale Leadership. 

Nationwide supports property-homes through generous local contributions in sponsorships and corporate contributions in addition to their Nationwide Foundation associate giving match program.


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