Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

Arizona Science Center moves to invest in biohealth, cultural workforce growth

Photo of Arizona Science Center
Since its inception in 1984, Arizona Science Center has been a place of boundless curiosity and intrigue, where guests of all ages have immersed themselves in the fascinating world of science, culture, and life beyond our planet. (File Photos/DigitalFreePress)

Arizona Science Center grows local team of staff scientists

Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

With an eye to expand its role as a center for science and informal STEM education, Arizona Science Center is growing its team with the addition of 12 senior and staff scientist positions and a director of Tribal Relations & Native American Engagement.

The Senior & Staff Scientist roles will focus on improving programming and exhibits, delivering high-quality visitor experiences, and connecting the science center with Arizona’s growing STEM-related industries, making Arizona Science Center a destination of choice and leader in informal science education.

The new staff roles will focus on biology, astronomy and astrophysics, chemistry and physics and computer science and technology, according to a press release.

In addition, one of the strategic priorities, representatives there say, for Arizona Science Center is to raise its profile and presence throughout Arizona, the release states.

The new director of Tribal Relations & Native American Engagement will lead initiatives to strengthen relationships with the State’s 22 Native American communities and Native American people, promote cultural awareness, and collaborate on programs to enrich all communities and audiences through science.

“This workforce expansion is one of the biggest investments in attracting and developing top talent. The growth brings a new level of science education and STEM programming to Arizona students, educators and community members,” said Guy Labine, The Hazel A. Hare president & CEO of Arizona Science Center. “This investment, supported by our Board of Trustees, signals our focus on improving our impact and having a statewide presence.”

Since its inception in 1984, Arizona Science Center has been a place of boundless curiosity and intrigue, where guests of all ages have immersed themselves in the fascinating world of science, culture, and life beyond our planet.

Throughout that time, the Science Center has welcomed 10 million guests and 3 million students on field trips. In addition to the countless hours inside Arizona Science Center, over 1 million students and educators have received Science on Wheels programs in classrooms and communities.

Plus, more than 50,000 educators have received STEM training, support, and resources. Arizona Science Center has also provided 30,000 kids and teens with CAMP INNOVATION throughout Arizona.

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