Paradise Valley Town Council to host fall open house to forge community consensus
By Terrance Thornton | Digital Free Press
Paradise Valley residents may soon be able to learn about — and provide input on — traffic calming measures envisaged along Mockingbird Lane.
Paradise Valley Town Council, at a special June 27 public hearing, heard from town staff and consultant Kimley-Horn on the latest updates to traffic-calming measure anticipated to sprout amid the asphalt of the municipal arterial thoroughfare.
Deciphering dialogue at the late-June public hearing at Town Hall, 6401 E. Lincoln Drive, Paradise Valley residents may begin to see invitations to an open house in late August or early September for contemplated traffic calming along Mockingbird Lane between 56th Street and Invergordon Road.
Paradise Valley Town Council are on summer break with a contemplated return to the local dais Thursday, Aug. 15.
The scope of improvements along Mockingbird Lane include:
- Installation of new storm drain system along Mockingbird Road,
- Full-width asphalt mill and overlay & restriping with bike lanes, and
- Traffic calming measures including the installation of chicane(s).
Of Note: See the latest Town Hall presentation HERE
Earlier this year, Town Council awarded a contract to the tune of $50,000 to Kimley-Horn for the design and professional services for the Mockingbird Lane traffic calming measures whereas Town Council has now provided the transportation engineering firm a total of $200,000 for all work done, including sewer and drainage work along Invergordon, according to Town Manager Andrew Ching.
“I fully support this with a big caveat … that there is some public outreach just so everyone is comfortable with what we are discussing,” Mayor Jerry Bien-Willner said at the June 27 special session. “I think the overall direction is good, but I want to make sure we are seeking feedback from the community.”
Paradise Valley Councilman Scott Moore echoed a similar sentiment.
“I am excited to see this latest plan — I do leave it up to our town manager as he knows our policy public outreach,” he said. “I am not supportive of going to 90% until we have that public outreach. I am excited to see this thing kicked off as we go into our summer break.”