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in the Digital Age

Kelvin Beachum and Curtis Granderson compete to raise funds for food banks

Photo of Food Bank supporter
To learn more about the friendly competition between Mr. Beachum, above, and Mr. Granderson and to make a donation, go HERE. (Submitted Photos/DigitalFreePress)
Staff Reports | Free Press Philanthropy

Arizona Cardinals’ NFL offensive lineman, Kelvin Beachum; and MLB All-Star, Curtis Granderson, are teaming up in the fight against hunger with a friendly competition that will raise funds for local food banks in Arizona and Chicago.

During the month of November, Mr. Beachum and Mr. Granderson are calling on their supporters, fans and communities to make donations that directly support hunger relief efforts.

Mr. Beachum will rally his community in support of United Food Bank in Arizona and Mr. Granderson will raise funds for the Greater Chicago Food Depository and the Northern Illinois Food Bank in Chicago.

“While over 47 million Americans still confront hunger on a daily basis, we can realistically hope to see the end of hunger in our lifetime,” Mr. Beachum said. “Each action taken to support those facing food insecurity helps in our quest to end hunger, one community at a time.”

To learn more information about the competition between Mr. Beachum and Mr. Granderson and to make a donation, go HERE.

“We are honored to be the Arizona recipient for funds raised by Kelvin Beachum,” said Jason Reed, CEO of United Food Bank. “We are grateful to Beachum, Granderson and the fans who will help us in the fight against hunger in the United States, especially as all the food banks prepare for the holiday season and making sure everyone has a warm meal to enjoy.”

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