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Chicanos Por La Causa gives Dr. Cecilia Rosales Legacy for Change award

Photo of Dr. Cecilia Rosales
Dr. Cecilia Rosales

Dr. Cecilia Rosales is recognized for advocacy around public health

Staff Reports | Free Press Philanthropy

Chicanos Por La Causa is presenting Dr. Cecilia Rosales with its inaugural Legacy for Change award for her lifelong efforts in public health, education, and activism.

Chicanos Por La Causa representatives report Dr. Rosales played a key role implementing multiple initiatives that increased access to essential health services amongst underserved population including a border vaccination program, a mobile health unit, and serving on the US-Mexico Border Health Commission.

“As a mentor and visionary leader, Dr. Cecilia Rosales’ work transcends borders to drive positive change in creating healthier, stronger communities at the local, statewide, national, and international level,” said Alicia Nuñez, CPLC president and CEO, in a prepared statement.

“Dr. Rosales is the embodiment of what the Legacy for Change Award stands for. The compassion, leadership, and service she has inspired for generations will continue the groundwork her legacy has built.”

Dr. Rosales was previously awarded with CPLC’s Cause for Change Award in 2016 for her commitment to ensuring that underserved families throughout Southern Arizona receive excellent health care. Dr. Rosales served on the CPLC board through her retirement in 2024, following 18 years as a professor and researcher at the University of Arizona.

“I am deeply honored to be the first recipient of the Legacy of Change Award from Chicanos Por La Causa. This recognition is a testament to the collective work of so many who have dedicated their lives to advocating for public health, particularly for underserved communities along the borderlands,” said Dr. Rosales.

“I accept this award not just for myself, but for all those who continue to fight for equity, justice, and the well-being of our Latino community. Thank you for this incredible honor, which inspires me to keep pushing forward in our shared mission.”

Dr. Rosales was honored at a special celebration on Oct. 4 in Phoenix.

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