Ability360 provides programs for job seekers with disabilities
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press
October is National Disability Awareness Month.
This is part of an initiative of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy to educate business owners and managers and the general public about disability employment issues and to celebrate the diverse contributions of American workers with disabilities.
The 2022 theme is Disability: Part of the Equity Equation, reflecting the growing awareness and focus on disability as part of the larger Equity, Diversity and Inclusion movement.
“Like most Americans, people with disabilities want the financial independence, meaning and purpose that employment can provide, not just during October but all year long,” said Ability360 Vice President of Advocacy April Reed, in a press release.
“When workplaces welcome all applicants, people with disabilities have an opportunity to contribute and the workplace is strengthened by their diversity of talents and skills.”
Ability360 offers a number of programs to support job seekers with disabilities, including:
- The Ability360 Employment Ticket to Work Program with services for people with disabilities receiving Social Security Disability who are seeking employment.
- Individuals receiving Social Security Disability benefits who have a specific work goal, are working or have a job offer, Ability360’s Benefits 2 Work Arizona can help understand how earned income will affect cash, medical and other benefits.
- Ability360 360Youth, which provides Pre-Employment Transition Services for Youth ages 14-22 with disabilities. Youth can sign up for online and in-person workshops on Self-Advocacy, Workplace Readiness, and Counseling on Post-Secondary Education & Training, Job Exploration, and Work-Based Learning.
Ability360 also offers disability awareness training for employers and the community. This includes the philosophy, language and etiquette to ensure that people with disabilities are fully included in your business and engaged in ways that are respectful and empowering.