Spinato’s effort seeks to raise funds for St. Vincent de Paul effort
Staff Reports | Free Press Philanthropy
Spinato’s Pizzeria & Family Kitchen in partnership with the Kenneth Anthony Spinato Foundation is issuing “The Kindness Challenge” to its guests to help those experiencing homelessness and raise funds for St. Vincent de Paul.
The unique fundraiser begins in September, National Kindness Month, and runs through October.
This year’s event has grown to include the support of other businesses, including Gold Sponsors Greco & Sons, an Italian food service distributor; One Hope, a winery dedicated to ending hunger; Affinity Sales Food Brokerage and Pepsi.
Thanks to the support of all the new sponsors, Spinato’s team members and other caring volunteers will create nearly 1,000 Kindness Bags full of toiletries, snacks, water, socks and other items, representatives of Spinato’s tell the Digital Free Press.
The Kindness Bags are found at each of Spinato’s six restaurants for a donation of $5, with 100% of the proceeds going back to St. Vincent de Paul. Spinato’s guests are encouraged to purchase the Kindness Bags and distribute them to someone they see who is in need.
And, as an expression of gratitude, Spinato’s will give a free garlic cheesy bread card to guests who purchase a Kindness Bag, take a photo with it, and then tag @spinatospizza, using the hashtag #spinatoskindnesschallenge to the first 100 guests.
In addition, on Monday, Oct. 7, Spinato’s will make fresh pizza in St. Vincent de Paul’s kitchen and serve it to the guests of St. Vincent de Paul’s Family Dining Room.
Spinato’s fundraising effort addresses a dire community need
According to Maricopa Association of Governments, 31,071 people in Maricopa County experienced homelessness from April 2023 to March 2024.
While the largest age group of homeless individuals in March 2024 was between 25 and 61, homelessness is also affecting younger populations. Less than 1% of children and 8% of youth are among those experiencing homelessness.
Additionally, the number of homeless veterans has surged by 12% in the first quarter of this year alone, increasing from 594 veteran households in January to 666 in March.
Jaime Spinato, Spinato’s co-owner and director of community outreach, said a small act of kindness can go a long way, especially for someone who is experiencing homelessness.
“There are so many factors that contribute to homelessness. Losing a job, rent increases, medical bills, substance abuse challenges … thank goodness St. Vincent de Paul is doing the critical work to feed, clothe, house, and heal individuals and families in our community who have nowhere else to turn for help,” she said.
Mr. Spinato also gives credit to Spinato’s guests who helped to distribute 600 Kindness Bags last year.
“We are so grateful to our wonderful guests who make a difference through a small, compassionate act of kindness. And we are thrilled that we can expand this fundraiser through the support of our generous sponsors,” she said.
St. Vincent de Paul has been serving communities throughout central and northern Arizona since 1946. Programs include services for people experiencing homelessness, medical and dental care for uninsured patients, charity dining rooms that serve thousands each day, food boxes for hungry families, and thrift stores throughout the region.
Recently, the nonprofit welcomed 171 new residents in their two newest shelters, increasing the number of meals that need to be provided every day at their main campus.
“We can’t do our work without the support of the community and especially the support of local businesses like Spinato’s,” said Brandon Buck, a community engagement officer for St. Vincent de Paul.
“Last year’s Kindness Challenge was so successful. We’re hopeful to see even more engagement this year as people double their impact by sharing kindness bags with those in need on the street while also supporting the work St. Vincent de Paul does to feed, clothe, house and heal. This is our community’s chance to help, so we hope you’ll grab a slice at Spinato’s and purchase a Kindness Bag while you’re there. Each purchase and person can make a difference.”