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Scottsdale City Council strengthens strategic plan & objectives at City Hall

Photo of Scottsdale City Hall Ceiling
A view of the ceiling at Scottsdale City Hall. (Photos: Arianna Grainey/

Ideas of March retreat shape June City Council adoption

By Terrance Thornton | Digital Free Press

Scottsdale City Council has formerly approved its strategic plan — an internal policy document with tenets decided upon during a March 22 retreat, city officials say.

The plan itself, city officials report, includes nine objectives in tune with General Plan 2035. Scottsdale City Council adopted its strategic plan as part of its consent agenda Tuesday, June 7, at City Hall, 3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd.

“The plan includes nine objectives taken from the Year 1-5 section of the Implementation Plan contained within Scottsdale General Plan 2035,” said Scottsdale City Manager Jim Thompson in his June 7 report to City Council.

“These objectives are grouped by their corresponding community value/strategic goal. Since the retreat, the wording for each objective has been edited to explain why it is important — based on the applicable ‘Community Value’ — clarify what will be done, by when and by whom.”

Mr. Thompson provides a timeline of how each objective will be flushed out for implementation.

“Work study sessions will be scheduled on each objective to discuss further and provide direction,” he said. “Updates on the progress towards completing the objectives of the Organization Strategic Plan will be available by going to and searching, ‘priorities.’ The dashboard will include initiatives and measurement to support each priority.”

Scottsdale City Manager Jim Thompson in action at City Hall.

A brief outline of strategic goals & objectives

Included in the June 7 City Council report includes those strategic objectives and a brief synopsis. They are:

  • To create vibrant and attractive places that accommodate a variety of ages and incomes and support the arts and multicultural traditions, update and amend the public art ordinances, policies, and procedures.
  • To enhance and protect Scottsdale’s neighborhood identity, character and livability through appropriate land uses and high standards for design, review existing and planned character areas and identify a timeline for developing new or revising existing plans.
  • To lead the region in the stewardship and sustainable management of the Sonoran Desert environment, conduct public outreach, adopt a sustainability plan, and initiate a heat mitigation plan based on the cooler Scottsdale study.
  • To lead the region in the stewardship and sustainable management of the Sonoran Desert environment, update the integrated water resources master plan to ensure we have a long-term roadmap to manage Scottsdale’ s water resources.
  • To lead the region in the stewardship and sustainable management of the Sonoran Desert environment, start work on a net-zero energy strategic plan.
  • To promote a culture of community safety, resilience and well-being for residents, visitors, employers, and employees, review and plan revisions to the emergency management plan and program.
  • To foster social connectivity and cultivate a welcoming environment respecting human dignity as well as citywide and regional diversity, evaluate the effectiveness of housing and human services programs, updating the 5-year consolidated plan.
  • To support and maintain the unique features and local identity that make Scottsdale special, evaluate and improve Scottsdale’ s neighborhood and conservation programs.
  • To embrace a diverse and innovative economy to sustain our high quality of life, monitor implementation of Scottsdale’s economic development strategic plan.

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