Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

Dr. Steven Katz, launches ‘Your Health is Wealth’ Money Radio show

Staff Reports
Digital Free Press

Dr. Steven Katz, a certified Naturopathic physician, has announced the “Your Health is Wealth” radio show debuting on both the AM and FM radio dial.

On the airwaves since May 20, you can hear Dr. Katz from 1 p.m. to 2 pm on Money Radio KFNN 1510 AM/105.3FM every Friday, according to a press release.

Dr. Steven Katz

If you listen in you will hear medical experts at Naturopathic Physicians Group talk about health topics that matter and the similarities and differences between conventional and naturopathic diagnostics and treatments.

The radio program, Your Health is Wealth, will be all about helping listeners understand both the naturopathic side of healthcare and the natural treatments available, as well as conventional medicine and how the two compare in regard to various health conditions, the release states.

“I am grateful to be able to share my health expertise and knowledge to a large audience of Arizonans suffering from a variety of health conditions with this new program,” said Dr. Steven Katz in a prepared statement. “There are a number of treatment options available for health conditions that many are not familiar with and often come with less side effects than traditional healthcare.”

Ron Cohen, president and CEO at the CRC Broadcasting Company, agrees the idea behind one’s wealth is intricately connected to one’s health.

“Healthcare is one of the largest budgeted expenses for most families and increases as one ages,” said Ron Cohen, the President and CEO of CRC Broadcasting Company. “Money Radio recognizes that its audience benefits from programming such as ‘Your Health Is Wealth,’ which delves into alternative medical innovations to promote wellness. We’re excited to add this new and informative program to our weekly lineup.”

Listeners can also find out more and stream the show, Your Health Is Wealth” live at

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