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Carney: In response to the recent calculated commentary sharing ‘mistruths and contempt’ about SUSD

Amy Carney
By Amy Carney | Point of View

As the mother of six Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) students, I have always been invested in our local schools.

In 2022, I ran for and won a seat on the Governing Board because of my character and commitment to our teachers, families, and the broader community. I believe in the potential of all our students and the vital role that public education has in their future.

Recently, Raoul Zubia’s opinion piece unfairly targeted me and fellow board member Carine Werner. Make no mistake, his disparaging attack is a calculated move to sway public opinion.

Mr. Zubia has not attended a single board meeting and has never raised concerns in the numerous times I have seen him in the community. Yet, he suddenly voices mistruths and contempt in an obvious effort to elect Democrats.

But we can’t let his false narrative distract from the real issues facing our district. Despite his dishonest rhetoric, we cannot lose sight of our shared goal — to ensure more funds reach the classrooms, teachers, and staff who make an impact on our students every day. Rather than spreading misinformation, we should focus on real solutions for our schools.

The implication that I misuse my position or threaten staff is not only false but also an attempt to undermine the trust our community has placed in me and Carine Werner. We have — and will continue to — represent our community’s interests and focus on improving our schools despite the divisive and dishonest rhetoric.

On Nov. 5, choose leaders who value transparency, accountability, and a genuine commitment to making a difference in our schools. Our children deserve nothing less.

Editor’s Note: Ms. Carney is a community volunteer and elected member of the Scottsdale Unified School District Governing Board

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