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Carla: A letter of support for Scottsdale Props 490 & 491

Photo of Scottsdale
By Carla Carla | Point of View

This year Scottsdale was fortunate when it came to wildfires. Next year we might not be so lucky.

As every summer gets hotter and drier, nature and human caused fires are a fact of life in Scottsdale and our preserve. Thanks to the quick response and hard work of our firefighters — plus a little luck with wind direction — we have avoided a catastrophic fire this year.

But next year unless Propositions 490 & 491 pass, we won’t have as many tools to help prevent fires.
Year round our fire department does excellent outreach work with developments in northern Scottsdale to address not planting invasive species and removing fire loads. They also work with the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management to get grants which provide for wildfire prevention.

Specifically invasive plant removal and preventative measures along our preserve boundary and major roadways.

But Scottsdale did not get a grant to fund this work in 2025!

Proposition 490 would add fire department funding to provide quicker response times; increased Fire prevention programs; a second technical rescue team; and additional resources to better protect you and your neighborhoods.

Proposition 491 — which is not a tax increase or budget override — would allow Scottsdale to spend the money it already collects on programs and services that residents want and need. Without its passage, city services will face cutbacks, including in public safety.

Please join the Firefighters, who dedicate their lives to protecting you, in voting ‘YES-YES’ on Props 490 and 491. It’s critical to Scottsdale’s safety and future quality of life.

Editor’s note: Carla is a resident of Scottsdale and advocate for the McDowell Sonoran Preserve

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