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Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

4 Years and Counting: Scottsdale football fan group donates $50K to dog rescue

Photo of Dog Rescue
Earlier this month, the EaglesWest club delivered a check for $11,160 to the LovePup Foundation in Scottsdale. (File Photos/DigitalFreePress)

EaglesWest gives $50K to LovePup dog rescue over 4 years

Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

For the fourth year in a row, EaglesWest, a local fan club of the Philadelphia Eagles football team run out of Rockbar Inc. in Scottsdale, spent this past football season collecting money via 50/50 raffle tickets and donated merchandise auctions to benefit the LovePup Foundation.

The LovePup Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dog rescue organization that lives by the mantra “Don’t Shop, Please Adopt” that was originally started in the home of local radio DJ Johnjay Van Es and his wife, Blake.

Trish Smith, the EaglesWest member who runs the 50/50 raffle, originally chose LovePup as the beneficiary of the money raised due to her affinity for dogs, according to a press release.

Earlier this month, the EaglesWest club delivered a check for $11,160 to the LovePup Foundation in Scottsdale.

Several integral members of the EaglesWest group were present, as well as the owner of Rockbar Inc., some of the volunteers/employees of LovePup (including a couple of furry friends), and Johnjay and Blake Van Es.

With generous autographed merchandise donations from Justin and Nicole Nielson (along with several other EaglesWest members) and the larger-than-life personality of “Philly Ray” Poserina, who runs the microphone on game days, Trish Smith and EaglesWest have collected over $50,000 for the LovePup Foundation over the last 4 years.

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