Run-offs likely for mayor, City Council member from Dist. 1
By Jill Adair | Digital Free Press
As of 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, the Maricopa County Elections Department is reporting the following unofficial results in the Mesa City Council election.
According to unofficial results, former Mayor Scott Smith and current Dist. 1 City Councilman Mark Freeman were virtually tied at 29% of the vote and since neither received 50% of the vote, they will be in a runoff in the General Election Nov. 5. Mr. Smith, who served as Mesa mayor from 2008 to 2014, received 20,573 votes and Mr. Freeman, who has served on Mesa City Council since 2017, received 20,148.
The winner in the General Election will replace John Giles, who has served two terms as mayor and was not able to run again, according to the city’s Charter.
Other mayor candidates received the following votes: Ryan Winkle, 10,213 (15%); Scott Neely, 9,577 (14%); and Carey Davis, 9,278 (13%).
Mesa City Council unofficial results show one run-off expected in November, 2 current members re-elected
For Mesa City Council:
Dist. 1 candidates received the following votes: Rich Adams, 3,562 (34%); Ron Williams, 3,179 (30%), Tim Meyer, 2,775 (26%) and Zachary Hichez, 1,114 (10%). Mr. Adams and Mr. Williams will likely be in a run-off in November.
In Mesa Dist. 2, Julie Spilsbury was re-elected to her second term, garnering 7,876 votes (66%) against challenger Melody Whetstone, 4,050 (34%).
In Dist. 3, former current Vice Mayor Francisco Heredia was re-elected, with 4,534 votes (57%), against Marc Lavender, 3,425 (43%).
Results are not official until they are canvassed. The official canvass and results files will be posted here once finalized and approved.
The last day to register to vote in the General Election is Oct. 7, and early voting begins Oct. 9.
Click HERE for more information on Mesa mayor and City Council.