The Finer Properties of the Valley of the Sun

The Finer Properties of the Valley of the Sun

Last week to donate to local charities using Arizona Giving Machines

Photo of girl looking at an Arizona Giving Machines
Light the World Giving Machines make giving to local and global charities a fun and easy way to support those in need during the holidays. (Photos/Kary Ann Hoopes)

Giving Machines offer chance to help those in need

By Jill Adair | Digital Free Press

Time is running out. Have you gone yet?

Light the World Giving Machines — “vending” machines that work in reverse to make giving to a favorite charity an easy and fun experience — are winding down their stays at three Arizona locations: Gilbert, Glendale and Tucson.

45 W. Page in Gilbert

Last day is Jan. 1, 2023, for the East Valley Giving Machines, which are located in the Water Tower Plaza, 45 W. Page, Gilbert. Receiving charities include:                       

Last day is Jan. 7, 2023, for the West Valley Giving Machines, which are located in Murphy Park at 58th and Glendale avenues, Glendale. Receiving charities include:

Last day is Jan. 1, 2023, for the Tucson Giving Machines, which are located in Park Place Mall, 5870 East Broadway Blvd., Tucson. Receiving charities include:

Launched in 2017, the purpose of the Light the World Giving Machines, sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is to “invite people everywhere to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and follow His teaching to share our light with others,” officials say, adding that the church covers all operational costs so that 100% of donations go directly to the charity of choice.

Since the Giving Machines first appeared in 2017, total contributions have reached $15 million, officials say.

Prices range from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars for items such as $7 for a soccer ball and pump for a refugee child, or $25 for 100 packed meals for community members in need, or $75 to provide water and electric services for a family in homeless housing, or $200 to give a foster child a summer camp experience.

100% of donations go directly to the receiving charities.

Special Olympics of Arizona is featured in the East Valley Giving Machines for the first time this year. Donations to this charity include $7 for a team shirt and reusable water bottle for an athlete, $20 for sports equipment, or $150 for prescription eyeglasses and exam to help athletes compete.

Speaking of the impact the donations will have locally, Jamie Heckerman, president & CEO of Special Olympics Arizona, said that “the donations from the Light the World Giving Machine will ensure individuals with intellectual disabilities across the state can continue to receive free services, high quality sports equipment and, overall, a sports experience on par with high-level sports organizations.”

Only credit and debit cards are accepted at the local machines. Those unable to visit a machine in person can still participate by making an online donation here.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Ms. Adair is chief copy editor at the Arizona Digital Free Press.

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