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HonorHealth Deer Valley Medical Center enters final stage of $170M expansion

The project is being built by Okland Construction whereas the structural steel work is being done by Pro Steel Erectors. Orcutt Winslow is serving as the architecture firm of record on the project. (Photos: Arianna Grainey/DigitalFreePress)
HonorHealth expands Deer Valley Medical Center as north Phoenix blooms
By Terrance Thornton | Community Updates

Local dignitaries, elected leaders and medical professionals came together Thursday, Dec. 12, at the HonorHealth Deer Valley Medical Center to celebrate the placement of the final beam on the forthcoming $170 million expansion at the north Phoenix level 1 trauma care hospital.

But for those in attendance the construction ceremony marks more than a development milestone — it seems to be ushering in a new era of prosperity to that corner of the Valley of the Sun.

“The sky is the limit,” said Anne O’Brien, Phoenix city councilwoman who represents District 1. “This is such a crucial piece of our infrastructure that we need to continue blooming here in Deer Valley. We have so many resources here, it really feels as if we are blooming — and we will just continue to bloom. We have one of the single largest public investments here at TSMC, which is just just 10 minutes from here up the I-17. The supply chain that is being created is just incredible as we are already seeing new workers coming to the area.”

The expansion, found at 19829 N. 27th Ave. in Deer Valley, is in its final phase of construction and represents an investment of $170 million, HonorHealth officials tell the Digital Free Press. The project is being built by Okland Construction whereas the structural steel work is being done by Pro Steel Erectors. Orcutt Winslow is serving as the architecture firm of record on the project.

“The area is finnaly getting the attention it deserves,” Councilwoman O’Brien said of her excitement around a few key economic development successes in the northwest region of Phoenix.

Todd LaPorte, HonorHealth CEO, points out the Deer Valley Medical Center is already serving the most dense population of any HonorHealth facility.

“What’s really special about Deer Valley is it serves the most dense population of any of our communities that surround any of our facilities,” he said “It’s just a huge demand out there and our challenge as an organization is how do we keep reinvesting and keep up with it?”

The expansion project, which is in its final stage of a two-year building period, includes the construction of:

  • New support services building, which will allow for a larger loading dock and dedicated entrance;
  • A tunnel leading from the building to Pavilion 1 to allow for easier and more efficient service delivery;
  • The expansion of the surgical area with the addition of four new operating rooms; and
  • Construction of a four-story building with 166,000 square feet of space.

Mr. LaPorte explains emergency medical services is considered basic infrastructure when community’s grow.

“This is so important because there’s obviously a need here based on the demand we are already handling,” he said.

“When you think about what Councilwoman O’Brien said that we’ve got a a major Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturing Company just up the way, which is bringing all these new people into the community of which Deer Valley medical is going to be serving — the infrastructure is critical. When we grow as a community, we have to think about health care as, frankly, basic infrastructure.”

The expansion, found at 19829 N. 27th Ave. in Deer Valley, is in its final phase of construction and represents an investment of $170 million, HonorHealth officials tell the Digital Free Press. (Photos: Arianna Grainey/DigitalFreePress)
HonorHealth Deer Valley Medical Center expansion enters final stage

Kim Post, HonorHealth chief operations officer, delivered remarks to those who came to celebrate the success of the health care provider’s expansion in Deer Valley.

“I know this expansion has and will continue to have a tremendous impact on our patients and our team members, and I’m excited to see it come to fruition,” she said pointing out the Dec. 12 event marks the construction of Pavilion 3 — a four-story building with 166,000 square feet, 34 new patient beds.

“I want to thank all of our team members for the amazing work that they have continued to do during this process. Expanding and renovating a fully functioning hospital, especially to the degree that we are doing here, creates challenges but through the dedication of each and every one of you, we have managed to care for more patients providing better outcomes and patient satisfaction scores. That is a reflection on each of you and I am grateful for all you do every day.”

Matt Morgan, hospital administrator at the Deer Valley Medical Center, addressed the crowd offering his congratulations to the hard work, and patience, of all involved. He acknowledged the significant efforts and challenges overcome by the team, expressing gratitude to leaders, physicians, staff, and patients.

“Not only will we top off our beautiful new Pavilion 3 patient tower that you see behind me, but in November we crossed the halfway point in our project completion timeline —​ we’re halfway home,” he said. ​“There has been a tremendous amount of work and challenges overcome to get to this point. I’m very thankful for the support and patience of our leaders, physicians, staff, and patients throughout this journey.”

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