Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

Victory Lutheran Church volunteers support families experiencing homelessness

Photo of Victory Lutheran Church
Family Promise of Greater Phoenix relies on its interfaith network of volunteer religious congregations to shelter and feed the families they serve. (Submitted Photo/DigitalFreePress)
Victory Lutheran Church aids Family Promise through volunteerism
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

In partnership with Family Promise of Greater Phoenix, Victory Lutheran Church recently volunteered to provide shelter and meals for local families experiencing homelessness.

With the support of community members in the congregation, Victory Lutheran Church set up temporary shelters at its facility to host families overnight and prepared dinner for the families every night of the week.

“We thank Victory Lutheran Church for their dedication to serving the community and for their willingness to step up and make a difference in the lives of kids and families experiencing homelessness,” said Ted Taylor, CEO at Family Promise of Greater Phoenix, in a prepared statement. “Their support is invaluable in our efforts to break the cycle of homelessness and empower families to build a brighter future.”

Family Promise of Greater Phoenix relies on its interfaith network of volunteer religious congregations to shelter and feed the families they serve. At the same time, the nonprofit organization assists these families on their journey back to self-sufficiency.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with Family Promise and contribute to their mission of assisting families experiencing homelessness,” said Kathy Michael, host coordinator at Victory Lutheran Church. “We strive to be a beacon of hope and support for those in need in our community.”

According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, homeless children face double the rate of learning disabilities and triple the rate of emotional and behavioral problems compared to nonhomeless children. By age eight, one in three homeless children has a major mental disorder.

Additionally, half of school-age homeless children experience anxiety, depression, or withdrawal, significantly higher than the 18% rate among nonhomeless children.

At the beginning of the year, Family Promise of Greater Phoenix set a goal to aid 165 families in 2024 by utilizing their program for independent housing and self-sufficiency.

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