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Solo exhibition of Cherie Buck-Hutchinson now open at Royse Contemporary in Old Town Scottsdale

Photo of Cherie Buck-Hutchinson
Cherie Buck-Hutchison negotiates an uncomfortable agreement between authority, intervention and magical thinking to consider the metaphoric through transparent layers, according to Nicole Royse, curator of Royse Contemporary. (Submitted Photo/DigitalFreePress)
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Thinly Veiled, the solo exhibition of artist Cherie Buck-Hutchison, is now open to the public at Royse Contemporary, 7077 E. Main Street, in Old Town Scottsdale.

The solo exhibition of Ms. Buck-Hutchison features “work that reifies veiled psychological behavior shrouded within the misuse of ascendancy.”

The artist explores the current situation women find themselves in by using materials associated with women’s work. “Diaphanous layers reveal and conceal reconstructed dishtowels, freezer paper and vintage packaging layered onto images of public landscape sites, explains Buck-Hutchison.

Ms. Buck-Hutchison negotiates an uncomfortable agreement between authority, intervention and magical thinking to consider the metaphoric through transparent layers, according to Nicole Royse, curator of Royse Contemporary.

Her superimpositions of layered photographs on gossamer silk organza and other transparent materials create odd alterations of visibility and depth of field. Her work includes photography, objects, performance, poetry and video art.

For Thinly Veiled, her use of a narrative loops the viewer through a filmy membrane separating women from freedom. From the encouragement of ideas to layering as an act of magically dismissing controlling lifestyles to self-determination regarding one’s hair style decisions to a call to action, her work investigates the social landscape of contemporary conversations surrounding women.

Cherie Buck-Hutchison has a bachelor of fine arts in intermedia from Arizona State University. She is a recipient of the several grants including the Arizona Commission for the Arts’ Research and Development Grant.

Her work is exhibiting at ASU Art Museum in the “Notes on Motherhood” exhibition and recently collaborated with Scottsdale’s Poet Laureate, Lois Roma-Deeley in the Inspired “Imaginations: Women of Consequence” exhibition at the Heritage Connection Civic Center Library Gallery in Scottsdale.
This solo exhibition will be on display at Royse Contemporary through Nov. 10.

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