Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

Greenlight Communities continues philanthropic efforts at Save the Family Foundation

photo of Greenlight Communities
Greenlight Communities is sponsoring a “Making a House a Home” drive to collect essential items for move-in kits. (Graphic Illustration: Terrance Thornton/DigitalFreePress)
Greenlight Communities sponsors ‘Making a House a Home’ at Save the Family
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

Greenlight Communities has formed a partnership with Save the Family Foundation Arizona, a recipient of its most recent Greenlight Gives Initiative.

Save the Family, which is a Phoenix-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is the recipient of a $3,000 donated and over $1,000 in in-kind donations earlier this month, representatives of the brand tell the Digital Free Press.

Greenlight Communities is sponsoring a “Making a House a Home” drive to collect essential items for move-in kits. These kits, Save the Family official say, are crucial to this contain essential items such as kitchen utensils, bedding, and toiletries, offering a foundation for families to start anew.

To date Greenlight Communities has given over $100,000 since starting its Greenlight Gives initiative in recent years, according to a press release.

“This is an organization that is making a true difference in our community and they have learned how to stretch the dollar to make a significant impact,” said Pat Watts, principal and co-founder of Greenlight Communities. “This donation will aid in programming and services for more than 650 families and change some lives for the better as a result.”

Save the Family Foundation of Arizona strives to end homelessness by providing services and support to families in Maricopa County. The organization advocates for integrity, compassion, and dignity, and celebrates the worth of all people.

“We are so grateful for the continued support of Greenlight Communities,” said Robyn Julien, CEO of Save the Family Foundation. “Their unwavering commitment to our cause has been instrumental in driving positive change and transforming the lives of our families. This support moves us one step closer to our vision: Communities free from family homelessness, ensuring every person has a safe, affordable place to call home.”

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