Arizona State School for the Deaf and Blind host first Braille Challenge since COVID
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press
Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind Tucson Campus is hosting the 2024 Braille Challenge in-person for the first time since 2019 on Tuesday, Feb. 20.
The Braille Challenge begins with preliminary stages where blind and visually impaired students from across the nation attend regional competitions.
The preliminaries are held January through mid-March. The second stage brings 50 regional participants together to compete in the finals, which is held in June. Contest age groups range from apprentice, first and second grade students, to varsity, 10th to 12th grade students.
“We are thrilled to be one of the selected sites for the Braille Challenge this year,” said Annette Reichman, superintendent of Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind. “It is amazing to watch students have the opportunity to use their braille literacy skills and demonstrate academic excellence in a competitive and fun setting.”
Contestants are tested on skills such as reading comprehension, spelling, speed and accuracy, proofreading and interpreting charts and graphs. The regional contests are proctored by volunteer Teachers of the Visually Impaired and scored locally by volunteer transcribers.