By Robert & Eileen Rasmussen | Point of View
Paradise Valley Councilmember Anna Thomasson is running for mayor of Paradise Valley and we will be voting for her at the upcoming July 30 election.
She has served as a councilmember for our town for six years as well as being vice mayor.
When we first saw notice that she was running for mayor, we sent her an email saying that she’s got a good candidate for mayor.
What struck my wife and me most about Anna over the years was her interest in how town issues, resorts, and developmental zoning would affect us and the town. She was interested in protecting the area where we live, our neighborhood.
My wife and I are 40-year plus residents of Paradise Valley and have voted in many town elections and we have attended many meetings of the Town Council as well as Planning Commission.
Anna strikes us as concise and specific in what she says in support about the many town issues that have come to make the Town of Paradise Valley the best municipality in Arizona, if not the United States.
We urge you to vote for Anna for mayor — a candidate who cares about neighbors.
Editor’s Note: The Rasmussens are long-time residents of the Town of Paradise Valley