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Dembow: I believe the Town of Paradise Valley deserves better political decorum

photo of Paradise Valley
A view of Paul Dembow during his time at Paradise Valley Town Council. (Photo by Arianna Grainey/DigitalFreePress)
By Paul Dembow | Point of View

I am writing this from the unique position of being one of only two people on the planet who have served on Paradise Valley Town Council with the current candidates for mayor. The current mayor is the other person.

As this election cycle gains momentum, the focus is once again turned away from the candidates themselves, as others with self-serving motives try to twist the narrative.

Councilwomen Julie Pace and Ellen Andeen have long been the biggest threats to our local government and our town, and it looks like this election will be no different.

Have you noticed the sticker on the front of your local newspaper encouraging you to vote for either of two candidates, but not the third? Did you see the fine print at the bottom that reads paid for by Pace and Andeen?

Then there is the letter the duo penned to members of The Paradise Valley Women’s Group, a group that is based on community service and building strong female relationships within our town. Pace and Andeen sent a letter denouncing a fellow member and mayoral candidate, typical of their “mean girl” partnership and bullying.

These actions are no surprise to those of us who have shared the council chamber with them.

They’ve long attacked residents, threaten to sue residents for speaking their political beliefs, pit neighbor against neighbor, attack the resorts, attack the town staff and accused five out of seven Paradise Valley Town Council members (everyone on council but them) of ethics violations, which led to a costly and time consuming investigation that showed the only thing that wasn’t above bar on the council was the lies they told to spark the investigation.

You have the choice of who to vote for for mayor, but please use your vote to free the town of politicians like Andeen and Pace and return to a council that is seated with selfless volunteers who put your interests above their own power-hungry manipulations.

Editor’s Note: Paul Dembow has lived in the Town of Paradise Valley since 1991, served on Town Council for 12 years, is a serial entrepreneur and a proud father of 8 children and 7 grandchildren

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