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Scottsdale City Council accepts state grant to bolster human trafficking unit at police department

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Scottsdale City Council Tuesday, Oct. 22, accepted a grant program from the Arizona Department of Public Safety in the amount of $370,500 for overtime, equipment, supplies, and training related to the reduction of human exploitation and trafficking. (Photo: Arianna Grainey/DigitalFreePress)
By Terrance Thornton | Community Updates

Scottsdale is moving forward with a state grant program to allow the Scottsdale Police Department to bolster its human exploitation and trafficking unit.

Scottsdale City Council Tuesday, Oct. 22, accepted a grant program from the Arizona Department of Public Safety in the amount of $370,500 for overtime, equipment, supplies, and training related to the reduction of human exploitation and trafficking.

Scottsdale City Council approved the grant program and subsequent General Fund transfer to provide the financial boost to human exploitation and trafficking operations this fiscal year on consent at the Oct. 22 regular meeting at City Hall, 3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd.

“The Scottsdale Human Exploitation and Trafficking Unit, established in 2021, comprises four detectives under the supervision of one sergeant and one lieutenant,” said Scottsdale Police Chief Jeff Walther in his report to City Council.

“This specialized unit has evolved into a highly trained team focused on investigating child and adult sex trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, online child predators, and other crimes affecting the Scottsdale community.”

Chief Walther points out in his Oct. 22 report the Arizona Senate Bill also provides analytical support to Scottsdale police, as well as services and training for victims, prosecutorial agencies, and the public on prevention and identification strategies.

“Securing the requested funding is essential for the HEAT Unit, as it will enhance law enforcement’s ability to address human trafficking in Scottsdale and its surrounding areas,” he said. “This funding will play a critical role in protecting and supporting some of the community’s most vulnerable members.”

Chief Walther explains to City Council the members of the Scottsdale HEAT Unit are dedicated to not only fighting human trafficking but to also make a positive difference in the local community.

“To bolster its efforts, the unit seeks support from the Anti-Human Trafficking Grant Fund to increase the number of hours dedicated to investigating human trafficking, and provide funding for training, equipment, and supplies associated with these investigations,” Chief Walther said of the grant program. “The program’s effectiveness will be assessed tracking arrests made, prosecution of cases, and rescue of victims of human trafficking.”

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