Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

Business BYTES: Diversified Roofing celebrates three decades of business

Initially founded by Marty Schouten and Ed Wolff in 1988, and now run by Marty’s son Mark Schouten, the Diversified Roofing team now consists of over 300 employees. (File Photos/DigitalFreePress)

What started with two guys in a Phoenix garage in 1988 has transformed into Diversified Roofing, which is not just one of the largest roofing companies in the state, but one that serves over 30 states across the nation.

Diversified Roofing provides an average of 300 roof replacements per year and fields over 3,000 calls annually, according to a press release.

Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

The company’s 36 years in business, and multiple acquisitions — including Star Roofing in Arizona, Remedy Roofing in Texas, Service Works in Florida and Sta-Dry Roofing throughout the Midwest and East Coast — has taken them from being a solely residential roofing business to a multi-million-dollar company.

“Having been in the roofing industry previously, I saw the mission and values that the Schouten family had created at Diversified Roofing and knew they were doing something unique and offering a superior quality of service to their clientele,” says Brad Nally, partner of Diversified Roofing.

“To see how far the company has come in these three plus decades has been impressive to watch and an honor to be a part.”

Initially founded by Marty Schouten and Ed Wolff in 1988, and now run by Marty’s son Mark Schouten, the Diversified Roofing team now consists of over 300 employees utilizing a fleet of 100-plus trucks to inspect, repair and re-roof for all matter of roofing issues for their clientele.

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