By Gary Shapiro | Point of View
It is a brand-new year.
I invite you to think of yourself as an author writing a book with 365 pages. One page for each day of the year.
Looking ahead, what would be in your book?
Autobiographically, what would the book say about your life and your impact on family, friends, neighbors, and business associates?
I hope you’ll write something special as each day pops up in your calendar.
Remember, 2022 is a thing of the past. There are no excuses for 2023. It’s time to move forward and embrace the new year without any baggage.
Here are a few thoughts to help shape your year and create what could be a best-selling book.
Four-star Admiral William McRaven was the ninth commander of the Navy Seals. He was also the former chancellor of the University of Texas.
His No. 1 New York Times best-selling book ‘Make Your Bed‘ offers 10 tips of little things that can change your life and maybe the world.
He says it’s important to start your day by making your bed. This simple task will give you a sense of accomplishment and prepares you for the bigger tasks of the day. He says you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.
Shapiro: a new year offers a chance for a fresh perspective
Legendary author and motivational speaker Earl Nightingale changed the lives of millions of people with his commonsense approach to life.
He is most famous for “The Strangest Secret,” which outlines a formula for success based on his time-tested philosophy that we become what we think about. For years, I listened to his audio tapes and read his books. Ultimately, we became personal friends when he moved to Arizona.
Earl inspired me with a quote from Dean Briggs, which said, “Do your work. Not just your work and no more, but a little more for the lavishing’s sake, that little more which is worth all the rest.”
Earl also told me, “Your success will always be measured by the quality and quantity of service you render.”
Nightingale’s and Brigg’s philosophies helped define my culture of customer service for my real estate clients over the past 51 years. It also helped define my relationships with family, friends and fellow “Dudley Do-Rights” and “wisdom keepers” building our community.
Recently, my fraternity brother Sherwin Pomerantz introduced me to the observations of former United Kingdom House of Lords member Dr. Jonathan Sacks. It deals with optimism and hope for the coming year.
Dr. Sacks said, “Optimism and hope are not the same. Optimism is the belief that the world is changing for the better; hope is the belief that, together, we can make the world better. Optimism is a passive virtue, hope an active one. It needs no courage to be an optimist, but it takes a great deal of courage to hope.”
Fellow Scottsdale resident and retired Episcopalian Father Phil Carlson and I enjoy thought provoking discussions on the importance of “community” to make life meaningful.
He reminds me people yearn to surround themselves with like-minded individuals for safety and comfort. During Covid’s lockdown, we were all sequestered and it adversely impacted our routines and our lives. Now, we’re establishing new “norms” as we venture out. We’re re-establishing our sense of community and re-defining our habits and practices.
Admiral McRaven believes “what’s starts here, changes the world.” We have the power to change the world for the better one person at a time.
In 2023, let’s pledge to take the high road on our relationships, to respect others, to be an empathic listener, and an effective altruist. Let’s summon the courage and horsepower to handle optimism and faith.
From my perspective, don’t waste your time on New Year Resolutions that people historically abandon.
Instead, make your bed each day and complete one page of your new book.
Happy New Year.
Editor’s note: Mr. Shapiro is a Scottsdale Charro, Realtor and co-founder of Scottsdale Leadership.