Scottsdale to bring state law proposals to League conference Tuesday in Tucson
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press
Scottsdale officials say they are bringing three new proposals aimed at curtailing the proliferation of short-term rentals to the Arizona League of Cities and Towns and is confident they will become part of the league’s legislative agenda for the 2024 session of the Arizona Legislature.
The League of Arizona Cities and Towns is a collaborative organization that represents the interests of about 90 local governments around the state. Scottsdale’s proposals will be heard by the Resolutions Committee at the league’s annual conference Aug. 29, which is held in Tucson.
Scottsdale officials tell the Arizona Digital Free Press the proposals ask the Arizona Legislature to amend Arizona law allowing local governments:
- To cap the total number of short-term rentals in their community;
- To limit the density of short-term rentals in specified areas; and
- To establish separation requirements between short-term rentals.
Each proposal is designed to return the quality of life that Scottsdale neighborhoods enjoyed before the city’s previous established ban on certain vacation rentals prior to Arizona Senate Bill 1350.
Scottsdale Mayor David Ortega says constituents are clamoring for more local control amid growing concerns around STR operations in certain neighborhoods.
“Scottsdale neighborhoods have been shattered by short-term rentals, which are commercial businesses in residential zoned areas. Our residents are clamoring for peace and quiet, free from late-night disruptions and party house annoyances – we want our neighborhoods back,” he said in a prepared statement. “We ask that the legislature restore local control so each municipality can determine appropriate limits and guidelines.”