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Scottsdale Planning Commission May 24 actions reported, computer reports

photo of Scottsdale Planning chambers
A view of the stained glass in the roof of the Scottsdale Kiva Auditorium space where the important matters of the day are discussed. (Photo: Arianna Grainey/
Scottsdale Planning Commission approve six zoning recommendations
Computer Reports | Digital Free Press

The Scottsdale Planning Commission met on May 24, 2023 at City Hall, 3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd., to discuss a variety of zoning and development matters.

The Scottsdale Planning Commission is a group of seven appointed citizens who advise the city council on land use and development issues. The commission meets regularly to review and recommend approval or denial of development proposals, zoning changes, and other land use matters.

The Scottsdale City Council voted on six separate measures at City Hall on May 24, 2023. However, of note is the Planning Commission first approved its previous minutes as the governing body’s first order of official business.

The first item of consequence was the owner of Sonoran Sky requesting to abandon the following right-of-ways:

  • 55-foot East Pinnacle Peak Road half-street right-of-way.
  • 40-foot roadway and public easement along the North 124th Street alignment.
  • 30-foot roadway and public utility easement along the 122nd Street alignment (except the southern 250 feet).
  • 30 to 60-foot roadway and public utility easement along East Paraiso Drive.

The abandonment is associated with the Sonoran Sky final plat (3-PP-2006#3).

The owner is requesting the abandonment because the right-of-ways are no longer needed for public use. The owner plans to develop the property for single-family residential use. The abandonment will require approval from the City Council.

Item No. 3 was the owner of McDowell Mountain Manor is requesting to abandon portions of the Public Utility and Roadway Easements along the northern, eastern, and western boundaries of parcel 217-01-025A. The abandonment is associated with the McDowell Mountain Manor final plat (16-PP-2017#27).

Commissioner Diana Kaminski moved to recommend approval of Cases 1-AB-2009#2 and 1-AB-2021 to City Council. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Serena and carried unanimously. The proposed abandonments are consistent and conform with the adopted General Plan.

Scottsdale Planning Commission May 24 actions reported

Item No. 3 was Unique Motorsports Outdoor Vehicle Display requesting a Conditional Use Permit to sell vehicles outdoors on a 1.23-acre site in the Highway Commercial (C-3) zoning district at 2115 N. Scottsdale Road.

The public hearing for Case 5-UP-2023 was moved to the regular agenda. Commissioner Christian Serena moved to recommend approval of the case with the added stipulations of not allowing an outdoor public address system and not allowing parking lot lighting to be installed along the eastern boundary of the site. Commissioner George Ertel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

The next item was the owner of 1st Street Townhomes is requesting a zoning district map amendment to allow for the construction of a new 46-foot tall townhome development with 12 units on a +/- 0.53-acre site, located at 7515 and 7521 E. 1st Street.

The proposed development would be consistent with the city’s general plan and would provide much-needed housing in the area.

Scottsdale Planning Commissioner Vice Chairman Joe Young moved to recommend approval of Case 17-ZN-2022 to City Council. The motion was seconded by Commissioner William Scarbrough and carried unanimously. The proposed Zoning District Map Amendment is consistent and conforms with the adopted General Plan. The added stipulation that mature trees have a minimum 48-inch box was also approved.

Finally, the city of Scottsdale is requesting approval of a zoning district map amendment on +/- .65 acres of a +/- 8.54 acre site for historic preservation.

Commissioner Barney Gonzales moved to recommend that City Council approve Cases 3-ZN-2023 and 21-HP-2023. The cases involve a zoning district map amendment and a historical significance report for Scottsdale City Hall. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ertel and passed unanimously.

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