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Scottsdale Mayor David Ortega talks triumphs, challenges & a look forward

Photo of Scottsdale Mayor David Ortega
A view of Scottsdale Mayor David Ortega at the local dais at City Hall, 3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd., in the heart of downtown Scottsdale. (Photo: Arianna Grainey/
Mayor Ortega remains committed to collaboration atop Scottsdale dais
By Terrance Thornton | Digital Free Press

The Arizona Digital Free Press reached out to members of Scottsdale City Council to understand what the elected leaders of “The West’s Most Western Town” are thinking, what they thought of this past calendar year, where they think they may have fell short, and what they are eying in the New Year.

For Scottsdale Mayor David Ortega a major point of pride is the passage of the General Plan.

“Getting that plan into a form the community could support was a very deliberate and intense process, but it was worth it,” he said of the guiding document for all things zoning within municipal bounds of Scottsdale.

Mayor Ortega reminds community members everyone involved played an important role on providing a voter-approved document. The constant optimist, Mayor Ortega explains whatever comes the way of Scottsdale City Council, they, together, can tackle any issue.

“I would not say we fell short in any particular area,” he said. “Scottsdale certainly will face challenges in the year ahead; however, I am confident in our ability to overcome them.”

Moving into the New Year, Mayor Ortega contends he is looking forward to collaboration atop the local dais with the welcoming of new member to the local governing body — Barry Graham.

“Working with my council colleagues and the community to face the challenges of drought, neighborhood livability, sustainability is on the top of my list for 2023.”

1ON1 with Scottsdale Mayor David Ortega

In his own words, here is the formal responses from Scottsdale Mayor David Ortega on questions posed:

*What are you most proud of accomplishing this past year atop the local dais?
Our community and our city government have continued to show resilience and commitment after the pandemic. Walk the streets of Old Town, bicycle in the Indian Bend Wash, or hike at Pinnacle Peak, and you’ll see people enjoying themselves in different ways, and thriving businesses of all sorts and sizes. We all own a piece of that success, and we should be proud of our role.

One particular point of pride is the success of the General Plan, which many of us advocated for.

Getting that plan into a form the community could support was a very deliberate and intense process, but it was worth it. Scottsdale is great because we have found that perfect balance between quality development, great neighborhoods for families, and a strong and diverse economy. By holding true to our values in creating the General Plan, we will preserve the things we love about Scottsdale while building upon our successes for a brighter future.

*Where do you think you fell short?
I would not say we fell short in any particular area. Scottsdale certainly will face challenges in the year ahead; however, I am confident in our ability to overcome them. The drought in the Colorado River basin is a serious concern, and we must continue the strongest possible steps to manage this challenging issue.

Another challenge is problem Short-Term Rental properties. Taking full advantage of every allowance under state law, Scottsdale has a stronger set of tools we will use to hold short-term rental operators accountable to the people of Scottsdale. However, more work may be needed.

Housing affordability is a concern as well. Yes, our economy is strong, but there are those in the community who work hard yet have difficulty with the cost of living and continue to struggle. This is a challenge without a clear or simple answer but is one we are committed to facing.

*What are you looking to accomplish in the new year?
Working with my council colleagues and the community to face the challenges of drought, neighborhood livability, sustainability is on the top of my list for 2023,” he said. Scottsdale’s accomplished history should tell us that no challenge is too great for this community, so we should all look toward the new year with optimism and conviction — we will continue to make this community stronger despite issues we face, and 12 months from now, we will be very pleased with the results of our dedication and hard work.

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