Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

Scottsdale Fire offers tips for safe hikes, activities as temps destined to climb

Scottsdale Fire chief Tom Shannon gives insight to proper hiking plans
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

With the jump in temperatures, Scottsdale Fire officials urge the public to adjust outdoor activities — including hiking plans.

“Temperatures went from cool to hot in a matter of days,” says Scottsdale Fire Chief Tom Shannon. “That can be stunning to people who are used to being active outside — including hiking on our wonderful trails. However, when we get calls for mountain rescue late in the morning or early afternoon, that is a concern. If the person is injured, it can be compounded by heat-related illness.”

Individuals suffer heat-related illness when the body’s temperature control system is overloaded, and the body can no longer cool itself. Call 911 if a person becomes confused, passes out from the heat or stops sweating.

It is important to know the early warning signs and take action. Heat cramps is the body’s way of saying “enough.” Go inside and drink room-temperature water, and avoid sugary drinks, caffeine, full-strength Gatorade and alcohol.

When a person is excessively sweating, has dizziness, headache, nausea/vomiting or feels weak, they are showing signs of heat exhaustion. If the person does not feel better 10-15 minutes after going inside and drinking water, call 911.
Preventing heat-related illness is key.

“It is important to understand that heat will make trails more difficult, so choose your route wisely. Get out early so you can get off the mountain before the heat of the day,” Chief Shannon said. “Pre-hydrate days before your activity. Bring plenty of water on the hike and carry a cell phone in case of an emergency.”

(Photo Courtesy: Experience Scottsdale/
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