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Sarah Liguori Joins Arizona Housing Fund Advisory Committee

Photo of Sarah Liguori
Arizona Community Foundation’s Senior Director of Impact Investing, Sarah Liguori. (File Photos/
Sarah Liguori at Arizona Community Foundation takes on advisory committee role
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

Arizona Community Foundation’s Senior Director of Impact Investing, Sarah Liguori, has been named the newest member of the Arizona Housing Fund Advisory Committee.

The committee is responsible for reviewing and approving grant applications from qualified nonprofits to bring more permanent supportive, low-income, and working-poor housing to Arizona, according to a press release.

The Arizona Housing Fund, was created in 2019 to address Arizona’s growing homelessness epidemic. To date, the fund, which is housed at the Arizona Community Foundation, has raised over $1.4 million and awarded $850K in grants to four Arizona nonprofits for four unique projects that will provide more permanent, supportive, and affordable housing for hundreds of Arizonans in need, the release states.

“Sarah is an outstanding addition to our Advisory Committee and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in fundraising, nonprofit management, and lawmaking,” says Arizona Housing Fund founder and Bank of America National OREO Executive, Howard Epstein.

Ms. Liguori join Mr. Epstein; Arizona Community Foundation chief program and community engagement officer, Lisa Urias; Meritage Homes Executive Chairman, Steven Hilton; Arizona Association of Realtors Of Counsel, Michelle Lind; Habitat Metro, LLC Owner/Partner, Tim Sprague; Trellis President and CEO, Michael Trailor; and Sheila Harris of Sheila D. Harris Consulting on the committee.

Prior to joining ACF, Ms. Liguori was a financial advisor and worked in commercial real estate development. She most recently finished a term serving in the Arizona House of Representatives, where she was the state Representative for Legislative District 28 (now LD 5). She was a member of the Commerce and Government Elections committees where she focused on issues including housing, water/environment, consumer finance protection, education/childcare, and equity. She has a long history of leadership roles and deep knowledge of fundraising and the nonprofit community.

A Tucson native, Ms. Liguori earned her bachelor’s degree in economics with a minor in business administration from the University of Arizona.

“The AZ Housing Fund has identified a tangible and defined way to help ensure all Arizonans have access to a home,” Ms. Liguori said in a prepared statement. “As the need for housing grows critical in our state, I am honored to join such a talented team of leaders who are delivering solutions.”

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