Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

Royse Contemporary features ‘Soul Artifacts’ from Casey Wakefield

photo of Royse Contemporary
The artist’s evocative use of color engages the viewers senses, creating compositions of color, some predictable and others unpredictable, with layers of acrylic ink, collage, acrylic paint, finished with oil paint. (File Photos/DigitalFreePress)
Casey Wakefield solo exhibition opens at Royse Contemporary in Scottsdale
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

Royse Contemporary presents the much anticipated solo exhibition ‘Soul Artifacts’ from Casey Wakefield.

This exhibition will showcase Ms. Wakefield’s latest collection of mixed media abstract paintings.

The essence of the artist’s work and this new collection is to “capture the intangible remnants of emotions, thoughts, and experiences, translating them onto canvas as interconnected and layered planes of expression, according to Nicole Royse, curator at Royse Contemporary.

Her work offers a truly contemplative and organic transformation of colors, drips, and marks captured in abstract form on canvas, that elicits and creates an emotional connection for someone, Ms. Royse says.

“These artifacts serve as tangible evidence of the complex web of interactions and influences that exist beyond what meets the eye, allowing us to explore and appreciate the intricate connections and depths of our collective experiences,” Ms. Wakefield said in a prepared statement.

The artist’s evocative use of color engages the viewers senses, creating compositions of color, some predictable and others unpredictable, with layers of acrylic ink, collage, acrylic paint, finished with oil paint.

When asked about her art and creative process Ms. Wakefield explains, “I find that the joy of painting is to watch the abstract emerge into something that evolves from the process and in the end creates an emotional connection for the viewer.”

“Soul Artifacts” exhibition will open to the public from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 16. Royse Contemporary is in the Scottsdale Arts District at 7077 E. Main Street.


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