Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

‘Reality Versus Imagination’ extended through June 26 at Royse Contemporary in Old Town Scottsdale

Photo of Nicole Royse at Royse Contemporary in Scottsdale
Nicole Royse of Royse Contemporary, which is based in Old Town Scottsdale, is extending its current exhibition “Reality Versus Imagination” through June 26, due to popular demand. (File Photos/
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

The dynamic group exhibition — “Reality Versus Imagination” — has been extended through June 26 at Royse Contemporary, 7077 E Main St., in Old Town Scottsdale.

The fine art exhibition examines the ideas of reality verses imagination while reflecting upon the artists perspective and creative process, according to a press release.

The exhibition showcases seven noteworthy male artists: James Angel, Cam DeCaussin, Gennaro Garcia, Peter Brian Klein, James Anthony Peters, Joe Ray, and Daniel Shepherd.

Typically, one would define “reality” as the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of “them.” While “imagination” emphasizes the artist’s ability to produce images and ideas without any immediate input of the senses.

Nicole Royse, owner and curator at Royse Contemporary, has selected artists who both typify and transcend these categories, creating powerful work that offers a mastery of medium, and unique perspectives.

Imagination exhibition offers an eclectic selection of work that is both captivating and authentic. The artists are working in an array of mediums including collage, drawing, painting, photography and mixed media.

“Reality Versus Imagination” aims to create a dialog and connection with these artists while highlighting their use of imagery, diverse styles, and strong voice, Ms. Royse says.

Although each artist’s work may appear aesthetically different, Ms. Royse says the pieces provide for an exciting dialog for the artists through the power of their imagery, their originality and the overall vitality of the work.

Royse Contemporary is hosting a closing reception from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 24, at Royse Contemporary.

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