Phoenix City Council unanimously refers General Plan to voters this November
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press
Phoenix City Council is referring to local voters an update to the municipal General Plan at the Tuesday, Nov. 5, general election.
Phoenix City Council, earlier this month, unanimously approved the General Plan 2025 update, which officials at City Hall say is a comprehensive plan meant to help guide decisions at the local dais regarding all things development and growth for the next 10 years.
Furthermore, City Hall officials say, the recent General Plan update has been approved by all 15 Village Planning Committees and the Planning Commission.
“The General Plan 2025 Update is a reflection of our city’s vision for a vibrant and sustainable future. It is the result of extensive research and collaboration with our community members and partners,” said Planning and Development Department Director Joshua Bednarek.
“We are grateful for the City Council’s approval and look forward to implementing this plan for the benefit of all Phoenix residents.”
City Hall officials say the General Plan 2025 update focuses on creating a unified policy framework with several key priorities, such as improving transportation, increasing affordable housing, and preserving natural resources and open spaces.