Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

Paradise Valley Wealth Management, PVPD hosts shredding, electronics recycling event Nov. 18

photo of event hosted by Paradise Valley Wealth Management
Paradise Valley Wealth Management continues sponsorship of PVPD event
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

The Paradise Valley Police Department and Mike Cummiskey, owner of Paradise Valley Wealth Management, are teaming up once again to provide on-site shredding services for town residents from 8 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Nov. 18, at the Municipal Complex, 6401 E. Lincoln Drive.

“Although not required, Paradise Valley residents can make appointments online to avoid waiting in long lines” Mr. Cummiskey said.

Mr. Cummiskey whose company has sponsored the event since 2014, asks participants to consider a digital donation to help the Paradise Valley Police Department support ‘Sirens and Sleighbells,’ which provides PVPD officers with resources to buy gifts for selected students from local schools.

Proceeds will also support the PVPD’s commitment to Special Olympics.

Cash donations will be accepted at the event.

AZstRUT (Arizona Students Recycling Used Technology), a local nonprofit that refurbishes, reuses, and recycles electronics, will again be on-site to collect used electronics such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. They are unable to accept tube TVs or CRT monitors.

To schedule your shredding appointment, go HERE.

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