Paradise Valley Town Council OKs JTKnapp Group contract at Town Hall
By Terrance Thornton | Digital Free Press
Paradise Valley Town Council recently approved an administrative contract that will bring a familiar face to Town Hall, 6401 E. Lincoln Drive.
At its final meeting in January, Paradise Valley Town Council unanimously approved contract No. CON-23-043-CMD with JTKnapp Group, LLC for what officials report is a professional services contract to aid municipal leaders in delivering on the Town Council-approved capital improvements projects timeline.
Paradise Valley Community Development Services Director Lisa Collins, in her report to Town Council, provided staff dedicated to the unfolding of the five-year CIP plan remains a need at Town Hall.
“The town’s capital improvement project staff position is currently vacant,” she said. “Because there is an immediate need to complete current capital improvement projects, the Finance Department’s procurement division sought Requests for Proposals (RFPs) through a competitive procurement process to fill the vacancy.”
Proposed projects with a cost greater than $100,000 and a useful life of at least three years — excluding vehicles and other rolling stock — are considered candidates for the CIP, according to town code.
This includes:
- Repair and replacement of existing infrastructure;
- Streets / sidewalks / paths;
- Electric utility undergrounding;
- Technology; and
- Wastewater.
Ms. Collins outlined the CIP calendar is based on Town Council approvals during the annual spring budget process.
“The staff assigned to CIP’s is tasked with developing the town’s five-year CIP program including project ranking to determine which projects are most critical to the town, budgeting and conformance to state and town requirements,” she said of the needs of the role to which Jeremy Knapp, principal at JTKnapp Group, is uniquely qualified as Mr. Knapp served in various planning and development leadership roles at the local municipality over the last decade.
“This position also works closely with residents to both discuss and determine project design specifics and provide ongoing communication throughout the project. Based on the number of CIPs approved for each year, a determination will be made on whether to fill the vacancy or continue to utilize contract services.”
Paradise Valley approved the contract Thursday, Jan. 26, for an amount not to exceed $45,000.