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Inauguration: Paradise Valley Town Council installed at Town Hall

Photo of women elected to Paradise Valley Town Council
From left are newly elected women in Paradise Valley: Anna Thomasson and her granddaughter Deklyn, Christine Labelle and Ellen Andeen, who are each signing documents ratifying recent election wins. (Photo: Terrance Thornton/

Paradise Valley Town Council name Scott Moore vice mayor

By Terrance Thornton | Digital Free Press

They all began to appear about 5:45 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12, at Town Hall, 6401 E. Lincoln Drive, looking to greet old friends, neighbors and see the installation of their local governing board — Paradise Valley Town Council.

At about 6 p.m., newly re-elected Paradise Valley Mayor Jerry Bien-Willner called to order the standing-room only crowd in Town Council chambers as it was the scheduled time to begin the local inauguration ceremony, which was presided over by Paradise Valley Municipal Judge J. Tyrrell Taber.

Judge Taber called up each member of Town Council who were:

  • Paradise Valley Councilwoman Christine Labelle, who is now serving her first term;
  • Paradise Valley Cuncilwoman Ellen Andeen, who is serving her second consecutive term; and
  • Paradise Valley Councilwoman Anna Thomasson, who is serving her second consecutive term.

Paradise Valley Mayor Jerry Bien-Willner and Paradise Valley Municipal Judge J. Tyrrell Taber examine documents solidifying the installation of Mr. Bien-Willner as mayor of the Town of Paradise Valley.

Paradise Valley Town Council name Scott Moore vice mayor

Each newly installed member of Paradise Valley Town Council offered thanks, recognized loved ones and dedicated themselves to those in attendance as public servants to them and the municipality.

Mayor Bien-Willner offered closing remarks to the inauguration ceremony.

“To all the folks here in the Town of Paradise Valley: it is a great honor to serve as your mayor,” he told the crowd at Town Hall. “We are here with so many friends. I want to thank all of our incredible volunteers and to our public servants — our town staff — you are second to none. Our town staff is especially well-suited for the incredible work that you do.”

Mayor Bien-Willner says his No. 1 priority is representing the Town of Paradise Valley and its residents with dignity, class and respect.

“I’ll remain accountable to each of your for the rest of my term. I will not prescribe to cartoon-ish or Hollywood-style of politics or antics. I am here to listen. How can I do better? How can I help the team and how can I help us further? That is my promise to all of you.”

Mayor Bien-Willner says he hopes to hit the ground running at when Paradise Valley Town Council reconvenes later this month.

“When we all work together that is when the magic happens,” he said. “We all have a divine spark in us.”

Following the inauguration ceremony Paradise Valley Councilman Scott Moore was named vice mayor.
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