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in the Digital Age

Paradise Valley mayoral candidates discuss local resorts, crosstown traffic and quality-of-life pursuits

From left are Paradise Valley mayoral candidates Mary Hamway, Mark Stanton and Anna Thomasson. (File Photos/DigitalFreePress)
Paradise Valley mayoral candidates talk major community topics of interest
By Terrance Thornton | Digital Free Press

Local voters will elect a new mayor for the Town of Paradise Valley — from a field of 3 — this election season.

Community stewards Mary Hamway, Mark Stanton and Anna Thomasson are vying for the top elected position at Town Hall, 6401 E. Lincoln Drive, as three-term Paradise Valley Mayor Jerry Bien-Willner has opted to not seek re-election to local office.

Voters will take to the polls Tuesday, July 30, to elect lawmakers across the nation including the next president of the United States — and the Town of Paradise Valley is no exception.

The Digital Free Press reached out to each Paradise Valley mayoral candidate to offer readers a better understanding of what these candidates think makes the Town of Paradise Valley special and, if elected, how they intend to keep it that way.

Furthermore, each candidate was asked how they view the local resort community — a vital piece of annual sales tax revenue to the town.

This is what they had to say:

Paradise Valley Mayoral Candidate: Mary Hamway

*If elected as mayor, how can you play a pivotal role in maintaining the quality of life enjoyed today in the Town of Paradise Valley?

If elected mayor, my focus will always be on what matters to our residents, including public safety, low taxes, high property values and a transparent government. Our police department leads in technology and innovation and we are in great shape currently to provide excellent service. Our limited government model keeps our taxes low, and a dedication to maintaining our low-density residential lifestyle keeps our property values high. Government transparency is always the goal, and I would find new ways to engage with our residents. A website upgrade would be a good starting place.

*What role does the resort community play in the Town of Paradise Valley?

Resorts have been a part of Paradise Valley’s history since before incorporation in 1961, and currently provide about 50% of the town’s revenue. There are 11 award-winning resorts within our borders, (this number includes El Charro Lodge and Paradise Valley Country Club) and are our major industry. Working hand-in-hand with Experience Scottsdale, we have the ability to market our resorts worldwide and welcome visitors from every part of the globe. Our resorts set us apart from neighboring cities and is an important part of the Paradise Valley brand.

*As the Phoenix metropolitan area continues to see significant growth in population, where do you think the Town of Paradise Valley can do better when handling crosstown traffic?

Crosstown traffic has always been an issue, and drives decisions when upgrading or maintaining intersections and roadways. According to our General Plan, every street is categorized as to its projected traffic level. We have collector streets which carry the least amount of traffic, and minor and major arterials, which carry most of the traffic. I think the town is best served if we keep our roads maintained, and employ traffic calming devices like roundabouts, chicanes and speed humps to discourage cut-through traffic. I have found traffic studies underestimate projections and rarely provide any useful information.

*How would you shape your decisions if elected regarding density and development with traffic congestion in mind?

Decisions about density on a Resort-SUP and potential traffic congestions are all issues that are negotiated during the Resort-SUP process. There is ample opportunity to hear from the public about concerns. One-acre homes on a Resort-SUP have never been required. You only have to look at Mountain Shadows and Camelback Inn to see that resorts with homes on small lots dates back to the early 1960s.

Paradise Valley Mayoral Candidate: Mark Stanton

*If elected as mayor, how can you play a pivotal role in maintaining the quality of life enjoyed today in the Town of Paradise Valley?

My role as mayor will include demonstrating consistent and positive leadership as well as collaboration on the council. My goal is to maintain a “can do” approach to resident-focused customer service and manage responsible decisions on policy issues and opportunities for Paradise Valley.

I bring proven executive leadership skills and experience, with a management style to inspire quality results and not micro-manage. The role of mayor is pivotal in leading our town’s commitment to limited government, customer service, preparedness and encouraging resident feedback and engagement.

Having held leadership positions in municipal, county and state government, I will use that background in the role of mayor to maintain quality of life initiatives and priorities to keep Paradise Valley as the beautiful and safe town that I have known all my life.

*What role does the resort community play in the Town of Paradise Valley?

Paradise Valley is fortunate to be home to so many remarkable and world-class resorts. These resorts bring guests from all over the world to our beautiful town. That, in turn, promotes the hospitality brand and economy for the region. It brings in bed tax dollars which offset the need for Paradise Valley residents to pay a municipal property tax. These world-class resorts also provide community connection points that offer unparalleled and unique benefits to residents in Paradise Valley. Neighborhood places our residents can share family gatherings, dinners, staycations, and memorable evenings with friends.

*As the Phoenix metropolitan area continues to see significant growth in population, where do you think the Town of Paradise Valley can do better when handling crosstown traffic?

Planning for, and managing crosstown traffic is a top priority to maintain quality of life and most importantly public safety.

Growth in Maricopa County is inevitable, so each municipality in the county has a role in helping manage the regional growth and that includes Paradise Valley. The crosstown traffic management plans are included in the Town of Paradise Valley voter-approved General Plan. In addition, the town is an active partner in Maricopa County Association of Government which has regular meetings to address best practices on regional issues like transportation and growth. Having very a professional and forward-thinking Public Works Department is a major advantage for the Town of Paradise Valley in looking for ways to best manage and improve crosstown traffic.

*How would you shape your decisions if elected regarding density and development with traffic congestion in mind?

My decisions as mayor, as with my current role as vice mayor, will always be residents-first and rooted in maintaining quality of life, public safety, and fiscal responsibility. Working collaboratively with all members of the council and professional staff to follow the voter-approved General Plan, protect our quality of life, maintain the high standards for low-density residential development and Special Use Permit properties such the resorts, schools, and houses of worship.

I will continue to work closely with the Town Council and staff to ensure our roadways and intersections are well planned and maintained, which will help provide smooth traffic flow throughout Paradise Valley. I will continue to work side-by-side with my council colleagues to ensure a priority of low-density development and that resources are available for maintaining safe traffic management including the use of photo radar enforcement.

Paradise Valley Mayoral Candidate: Anna Thomasson

*If elected as mayor, how can you play a pivotal role in maintaining the quality of life enjoyed today in the Town of Paradise Valley?

Work Hard: I am “all in” for Paradise Valley – currently in my second term on council, formerly serving as vice mayor and working tirelessly listening to residents, attending meetings, solving problems, and fulfilling my council duties. I have no other conflict and will continue to work hard to solve the current issues facing our town.

Collaborate: As a consensus builder, I will continue to listen and learn from my council colleagues and town staff, working WITH them to craft solutions for Paradise Valley. True leaders look for the best in their colleagues and give them opportunities to shine.

Advocate: Testifying at the legislature and working with our state representatives and lobbyist taught me we need to be vigilant and strategic about our work influencing legislative threats to our 1-acre zoning, photo enforcement and tax revenue. My negotiating and deal-making skills honed from 35 years in corporate business make me well-suited to work with these leaders and others to keep Paradise Valley, Paradise Valley.

*What role does the resort community play in the Town of Paradise Valley?

Like a great steakhouse meal, our eight Paradise Valley resorts are the hearty core of our town, providing over 40% of our revenues and contributing to Paradise Valley’s global reputation as a world class destination for both visiting and living.

Since we do not have a local property tax, these resort-related, sales and “bed tax” revenues are a critical source of funding for public safety and all town services. Resort-related revenue has more than doubled since fiscal year 2012 and during that same 10-year period, we fully funded our public safety pension plan, paid down 80% of the courthouse complex debt and built our reserve fund to twice our annual operating budget. I sit on the Board of Directors of Experience Scottsdale, our destination marketing organization to ensure the Town of Paradise Valley’s annual investment of over $2 million continues to yield an almost ten-fold return toward our $20 + million in tourism revenues.

*As the Phoenix metropolitan area continues to see significant growth in population, where do you think the Town of Paradise Valley can do better when handling crosstown traffic?

As one of the fasted growing counties, Maricopa County’s population is projected to grow up to 47% from 2020 to 2030, generating an increase in cross town traffic and putting pressure on all our streets. If elected, I will encourage my council colleague to support me in having staff conduct a future traffic modeling and impact study, then develop recommendations for traffic management strategies. Each of us may have creative ideas and I would like staff to begin the process and bring ideas forward for council and our residents to consider.

*How would you shape your decisions if elected regarding density and development with traffic congestion in mind?

I have never voted for high-density housing in the town and will continue to fight to retain our single-family, 1-acre residential zoning. Vocal in my concerns about the density, parking and traffic associated with the recent Smoketree development, I will resist adding resort uses to our town that will increase traffic. Additionally, I will encourage resort redevelopment applications to include helpful traffic management techniques accessing the properties.


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