Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

1ON1 with Linda Milhaven at Scottsdale City Council

Photo of Linda Milhaven at Scottsdale City Council
Scottsdale Councilwoman Linda Milhaven has been a staple of Scottsdale City Council for the past 12 years since she was originally elected in 2011 with subsequent successful re-election campaigns. (Photo: Arianna Grainey/
Milhaven talks the last year, water issues at Scottsdale City Council
By Terrance Thornton | Digital Free Press

The Arizona Digital Free Press reached out to all members of Scottsdale City Council to understand as the final days of 2022 are upon humanity what local elected leaders are thinking, what they thought of this past calendar year and where they think they may have fell short.

For Linda Milhaven, who in a matter of weeks will be stepping away from the local dais in more than a decade, offered the Scottsdale Daily Beat insights into what she was most proud of accomplishing this final City Council year and where she felt the local governing board may have felt short.

In her own words, this is what she had to say:

What are you most proud of accomplishing this past year atop the local dais?
Despite many financial challenges, the city is financially strong. Years of conservative spending, prudent financial policies and decisions that promote a strong local economy have given us a sound foundation. We have many challenges in the future including inflation, supply chain issues and declining state shared revenues but the city will be approaching these challenges from a position of strength.

Where do you think you fell short?
The most disappointing thing is the council’s unwillingness to be good neighbors and help the people in Rio Verde Foothills area of the county. There is a proposal on the table for EPCOR to provide water and pay Scottsdale, in the short term, to treat and transport the water for use in the Rio Verde Foothills.

I believe the residents of Scottsdale are kind and caring people who would help their neighbors, especially when it doesn’t cost Scottsdale any water or any money. The City Council can still strike an agreement that protects Scottsdale residents and helps our neighbors. I hope they will.

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