
Paradise Valley

Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

Local students volunteer to package 52,488 Meals at Feed My Starving Children

photo of feed my starving children
At the Mesa site, volunteers handpack meals for Feed My Starving Children and send them to an incredible network of partner organizations that stay with communities for the long haul, empowering them to move from relief to development. (File Photos/DigitalFreePress)
Feed My Starving Children effort in Mesa remains staple of EV philanthropy
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

More than 50 volunteers representing Arizona Virtual Academy and Insight Academy of Arizona came together to pack life-saving meals at Feed My Starving Children in Mesa.

AZVA and ISAZ students joined teachers, staff, parents, caregivers and others who packed nearly 245 boxes that contained 52,488 meals while also learning about the importance of nutrition and the need for it in nations around the world, according to a press release.

Valued at more than $15,200, the total food packaged will provide 143 fellow children with a daily meal for an entire year, the release states.

Officials at Feed My Starving Children say they believe hope starts with food and is dedicated to seeing every child whole in both body and spirit.

At the Mesa site. volunteers handpack meals for Feed My Starving Children and send them to an incredible network of partner organizations that stay with communities for the long haul, empowering them to move from relief to development.

More than 90% of the total donations received are allocated directly to the production of meals and feed kids all over the globe, officials there say.

“This is one of many impactful volunteer projects our virtual schools partner on annually,” said ISAZ & AZVA Career and Technical Education Administrator Dr. Erica Young-Jackson, in a prepared statement. “Over the past year alone, we have been proud to work with our students, their families and our faculty to support Feeding My Starving Children, Habitat for Humanity Tucson and more.”

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