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Hattie Mitchell appointed to Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council

Photo of Hattie Mitchell
Hattie Mitchell, a member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, is based in REDW’s Phoenix office and specializes in providing Tribal Nations with strategic planning and outsourced CFO services. (Submitted Photo/DigitalFreePress)
Staff Reports | Business & Commerce

REDW Advisors & CPAs is recognizing the appointment of Director of Client Advisory & Accounting Services Hattie Mitchell to the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council. 

Mr. Mitchell, a member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, is based in REDW’s Phoenix office and specializes in providing Tribal Nations with strategic planning and outsourced CFO services, as well as COVID-relief program guidance. She will serve a two-year term with the GASAC.

The GASAC is responsible for consulting with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) on technical issues on the Board’s agenda, project priorities, matters likely to require the attention of the GASB, selection and organization of task forces, and such other matters as may be requested by the GASB or its chair. The council has more than 25 members who are broadly representative of preparers, attestors, and users of financial information. This marks Mitchell’s second appointment with the GASB. Prior, she served a two-year term 2023-2024.

Ms. Mitchell is a Certified Public Accountant (Cpa), Certified Fraud Examiner (Cfe), And A Certified Value Growth Advisor (Cvga).

Ms. Mitchell has been honored for her leadership, including being named among the Jayhawk Area Council – Topeka’s “Top 20 Under 40” in 2014. She also received the 2013 Native American “40 Under 40” award from the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development (NCAIED). 

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