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Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

Gov. Ducey salutes Michael Pollack’s dedication to philanthropy

Micheal Pollack remains steadfast in pursuit of giving back

Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

The work of Michael Pollack has not gone unnoticed by Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, who took the time earlier this week to issue a special commendation in recognition of Mr. Pollack’s philanthropic efforts here in the Valley of the Sun.

“Many years of service involved in the development or redevelopment of more than 10 million square feet of real estate projects in the last 50 years,” said Gov. Ducey in his formal commendation. “Leadership and representation given both personally and professionally to numerous charities and nonprofit organizations throughout the State of Arizona.”

Michael Pollack

Earlier this month Mr. Pollack teamed up with Child Crisis Arizona, making a $20,000 donation to give 20 deserving Valley families a $1,000 shopping spree at a Tempe Target store.

Mr. Pollack has also given both personally and professionally to numerous local charities including:

  • Goodwill of Central and Northern Arizona;
  • Mayo Clinic;
  • Banner Health Foundation;
  • Save the Family;
  • City of Hope;
  • Boys and Girls Club;
  • Boy Scouts of America;
  • Haitian Disaster Relief;
  • Chandler Regional Hospital;
  • Assistance League of the East Valley;
  • Special Olympics;
  • Juvenile Diabetes Foundation; and
  • American Cancer Society.  

Photo of commendation for Michael Pollack
A view of the formal commendation from the State of Arizona saluting the philanthropic efforts of Michael Pollack.

Micheal Pollack remains steadfast in pursuit of giving back

Mr. Pollack is best known, representative say, for bringing new life to struggling shopping centers, renovating and repositioning commercial properties and revitalizing surrounding neighborhoods with the goal of making Arizona cities better one project at a time.

While based in Mesa, Mr. Pollack has helped to create thousands of jobs by bringing renovation projects to the cities of Phoenix, Chandler, Tempe, Mesa, Gilbert, Scottsdale, Glendale, Peoria and Tucson.

“As a fellow entrepreneur, Gov. Ducey has always understood that the private sector plays a critical role in providing jobs and contributing to Arizona’s quality of life,” Mr. Pollack said in a prepared statement.

“My projects have always been designed to improve the neighborhoods they serve because I believe that every community in Arizona eserves quality retail centers. I also believe it is the duty of every successful business to give back to the people in the communities where they do business.

My success would not be possible if I had not set up shop in the great state of Arizona many decades ago. Thank you, Governor Ducey, for all your service, and thank you Arizona for allowing me to build and grow.”

The commendation honoring Mr. Pollack was issued and signed by Governor Ducey in December.

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