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Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

Draft Scottsdale community sustainability plan is open for public feedback

photo of Scottsdale
A view of the seal of the city of Scottsdale. (Photo Arianna Grainey/DigitalFreePress)
Scottsdale City Council and Environment Advisory seek feedback until April 30
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

The draft Scottsdale Community Sustainability Plan is open for public feedback until Tuesday, April 30 and scheduled for consideration and adoption by City Council Tuesday, May 21.

Designed to align with the 2035 General Plan approved by Scottsdale voters, the Community Sustainability Plan provides a comprehensive approach to energy, water, waste, air quality, and extreme heat management, officials at City Hall tell the Digital Free Press.

By targeting these key areas, the plan aims to enhance the natural environment and seeks to bring about other tangible benefits — such as cost savings, improved health and economic vitality, according to a press release.

This draft has been created over the past two years through a series of studies, public meetings, plan review and feedback from residents, City Council and the Scottsdale Environmental Advisory Commission, the release states.

The plan is an aspirational document and not a mandate, so there are no penalties for not achieving the targets set in each of the five areas.

The indicators and baseline data for each priority show “where we are” and are tied to targets that are “where we want to be.” The work builds on existing plans, looking beyond what the city is doing and providing policy direction where efforts are newer or more urgent.

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