Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

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in the Digital Age

‘Cavasson’ development in north Scottsdale splits lot a part of 134-acre corporate campus

A graphic rendering using Google Earth at Scottsdale City Hall to provided imagery of where the parcel is in relationship to other bodies of land, development. (File Photos/

Development makes subdivision split in Scottsdale

By Terrance Thornton | Digital Free Press

Earlier this month, Scottsdale City Council approved a lot split on a swath of land atop Loop 101 along Legacy Boulevard on a 134-acre development coined “Cavasson” —- abutting two tracts of Arizona State Trust Land.

The project is envisage to be 1.8 million square feet of commercial office space, 1,600 residences, a full-service hotel amid state-of-the-art amenities whereas initial construction phases have been completed, proponents say.

Scottsdale City Council Thursday, July 7, unanimously approved a lot split — going from one parcel to three — on a 30-acre portion of the “Cavasson” site found at the southeast corner of north Miller Road and East Legacy Boulevard.

“The original request was for a preliminary plat (PP) consisting of one lot, which was approved by the DRB [design review board] on May 21,” said Scottsdale Planning Project Liaison Greg Bloemberg in his July report to City Council.

“Subsequent to the DRB hearing, the applicant requested a change to the PP to allow for three lots instead of one. Staff analysis determined the request did not effect infrastructure demands and did not require any changes to the transportation master plan for ‘Cavasson;’ as such, the revised plat configuration was processed administratively.”

Instead of a planning hearing at City Hall, 3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd., the Scottsdale Design Review Board provided formal recommendations to the local governing board, in this case, Scottsdale City Council.

“The subject site is located within the Crossroads East master plan, which encompasses +/- 1,000 acres and is designated by the 2001 General Plan as a growth area, with a mixed-use neighborhoods land use designation, and for portions of the property east of North Hayden Road, north and south of Loop 101, the property is designated as employment,” Mr. Bloemberg outlined in his report.

Mr. Bloemberg points out the proposed subdivision, which is the envisioned result for the lot split, is within bounds of the Greater Airpark Character Area Plan. Those character area plans, city leaders say, are meant to ensure quality development.

“The subject site is located within the Greater Airpark Character Area Plan, a policy document that offers guidance to the community regarding future growth and development decisions within this area of the city,” Mr. Bloemberg said.

“The proposed subdivision has been designed to meet all applicable city requirements, including access and utility service. The plat consists of three lots and associated rights-of-way, tracts and easements. This final plat is consistent in density previously approved In the zoning district map amendment case. All stipulations and ordinance requirements have been addressed. Approval of this request will enable the final plat to be recorded, establishing the lots.”

In addition, the anticipated lot splits will not impeded on established infrastructure configuration, city officials say.

Published at the development website are updates including the initial phase of the 134-acre premier project is complete with a 440,000-square-foot office building now housing Nationwide Insurance, Stealth Partner Group, Quantum, and Sigma Company’s Bar-S Foods.

Another five-story office building is complete along the 101, housing Choice Hotels International tech headquarters.

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