Affirm ensures all have access to sexual and reproductive healthcare
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press
To better reflect its efforts to utilize federal grant dollars to coordinate sexual and reproductive health services, Arizona Family Health Partnership is now Affirm Sexual and Reproductive Health for All, or, just Affirm.
“After extensive rebranding research, we chose the name Affirm because it speaks to our vision and how we execute it. We affirm the right of every Arizonan to access sexual and reproductive healthcare without reservation,” said Affirm CEO Bré Thomas, in a prepared statement.
“To affirm means to uphold something and assert it strongly and to offer emotional support and encouragement. Both concepts are core to our vision of the future, where everyone has the trust, support and information they need to choose what’s best for them.”
Thomas said the commitment to and scope of Affirm’s work will not change, “only how we represent ourselves. Our focus is securely on sexual and reproductive healthcare for all.”
Title X is a federal grant program that funds Affirm which distributes funds to health centers providing low- or no-cost services like birth control, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, pregnancy testing, counseling and other preventative services.
More than 50 Title X-funded health centers across Arizona provide sexual and reproductive healthcare services to an average of 35,000 people annually, according to a press release.
Title X clients include youth, the uninsured and underinsured, low-wage earners, indigenous communities and other groups that have been systematically excluded from receiving care, representatives of the brand report.
“Sexual and reproductive healthcare is rapidly becoming harder to access,” Ms. Thomas explained. “In fact, in some places, it’s nearly impossible to find. But sexual and reproductive healthcare is vital to our overall health, which is why we will continue to coordinate services, connect clients to caring providers, offer inclusive health education and advocate for evidence-based health policy at every level of government.”