Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

Anasazi accreditation completes K-12 IB continuum at Scottsdale Schools

Photo of teachers at Anasazi Elementary School in Scottsdale
With Anasazi’s certification, SUSD now offers a complete IB curriculum, from kindergarten through high school. (File Photos/
Scottsdale Schools offers 1 of 8 IB PYP elementary schools in Arizona
Staff Reports | Digital Free Press

The Scottsdale Unified School District is reporting the completion of the K-12 continuum at Anaszai Elementary School — an accomplishment of educational note, experts agree.

About four years ago, SUSD officials report, Anasazi Elementary School undertook the arduous process of transforming itself into an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme school. That journey is now complete, and Anasazi is officially an IB World School, certified by the globally respected academic organization.

“The progression of our school along the IB path has been challenging, yet so rewarding,” said Anasazi Principal Jennifer Waldron, in a prepared statement. “As educators, we have improved the way we teach and, as a result, our students have become agents and partners with us in their learning.”

With Anasazi’s certification, SUSD now offers a complete IB curriculum, from kindergarten through high school. Nearby Mountainside Middle School and Desert Mountain High School have offered IB’s Middle Years Programme (MYP) to 6th – 10th grade students since late 2020, and Desert Mountain has provided IB’s Diploma Programme to 11th and 12th grade students since 1999, according to a press release.

Superintendent Dr. Scott Menzel says he is proud of what educators at Anasazi have accomplished.

“Principal Waldron and her team at Anasazi have been nothing short of amazing in their resolute determination to achieve this goal for their students and the Desert Mountain Learning Community,” he said “IB takes our district’s vision of providing ‘world-class, future-focused learning’ to that next level. We couldn’t be more proud.”

Ms. Waldron explains the primary years program has proven to be an effective tool at early stages of education.

“The PYP’s inquiry-based curriculum framework creates a community of future-focused learners that is able to engage critically and meaningfully across subject matters,” she said. “Being able to offer this kind of learning from the very outset of our students’ formal education will be a game-changer for them as they progress to middle school and high school.”

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