Shoeleather Journalism in the Digital Age

Shoeleather Journalism
in the Digital Age

A voter’s guide to the July 30 Paradise Valley Town Council election

Paradise Valley Town Council election is this Tuesday

By Terrance Thornton | Digital Free Press

Voters in the Town of Paradise Valley this Tuesday, July 30, will elect a mayor and three members to its local governing board — Paradise Valley Town Council.

Town of Paradise Valley voters have a choice for the next mayor meanwhile each candidate running for a seat on Town Council are running unopposed following the departure of Tim Dickman from the local political race earlier this year.

Filed this past April in Maricopa County Superior Court by Attorney Timothy A. La Sota on behalf of Paradise Valley Councilwoman Ellen Andeen, were challenges to the validity of signatures gathered by the Dickman campaign to qualify for the upcoming July primary ballot. Mr. Dickman withdrew from the race following the lawsuit filed against his signatures.

Those running unopposed for Paradise Valley Town Council are:

Karen Liepmann
Scott Moore
Julie Pace

Paradise Valley Town Council election hosted this Tuesday

The race for mayor of Paradise Valley remains a political race, albeit a respectful contest for local votes as each candidate remains focused on the issues — even penning a joint commentary encouraging all eligible to vote in the July 30 primary election.

Community stewards Mary Hamway, Mark Stanton and Anna Thomasson are vying for the top elected position at Town Hall, 6401 E. Lincoln Drive, as three-term Paradise Valley Mayor Jerry Bien-Willner has opted to not seek re-election to local office.

Leading up to this Tuesday’s Town Council the Eagle’s Society — a coalition of local residents, civic leaders and community volunteers focused on serving the greater community — hosted a candidate conversation with Marel Brady, a Paradise Valley resident, served as master of ceremonies of the April 2024 event.

You can read a report on that evening, HERE.

In addition to coverage of the Eagle’s Society community conversation, the Digital Free Press hosted a Q&A series with each candidate leading up election day this Tuesday.

Here is a direct link to each Q&A installment over the last 90 days:


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